Decorating With Wallpaper
Here is a short brief description of the many different wallpaper types, textures and their applications. Also how easy or difficult are they to install and remove.
There are many types of wallpaper on the market today. So let's take a look at the different wallpaper type. Wallpaper Types, Textures, And Their Different Applications
Vinyl Wallpapers:
Vinyl Wallpapers are the most widely used papers on the market, and can be installed in any room. A design is printed on a paper backing and then treated with a vinyl topcoat. Many wallpapers on the market today are vinyl coated. Vinyl Wallpapers are generally very easy to install, easy to remove, and are washable.
Before the 1980s, many vinyl wallpaper companies used asbestos in their products because asbestos was heat and fire resistant. Today's vinyl wallpapers are safe, free of asbestos and will not cause asbestos exposure. That said, vinyl wallpapers in your home, if the home was built before 1980, may contain asbestos.
Read more about vinyl wallpaper asbestos exposure risk.
Embossed Wallpaper: The designs are pressed onto a paper backing creating a raised, textured effect. The embossed textured design tends to hide most wall imperfections. Therefore, Embossed Wallpapers can be installed over lightly damaged walls. Embossed Wallpaper can be installed in any room. Easy to install, fairly easy to remove. Embossed Wallpapers are washable.
Fabric-Backed Vinyl Wallpaper: They are very durable, and are used in high traffic areas. Backing of wallpaper is made of weaved woven fabric instead of paper with a plastic vinyl designed coating on top.
This type of wallpaper can be installed over rough walls. Fabric-Backed Vinyl Wallpapers are perfect for hallways, kids room, playroom, den, living room, kitchen, bath room, use just about anywhere. Easy to install, easy to repair, easy to remove in full strips. Fabric-Backed Vinyl Wallpapers are scrub-able.
Borders: Designs are printed on a paper back than vinyl coated. Borders come in a wide variety of designs and widths. They can be installed in combination with wallpaper or directly on painted surfaces. Wallpaper Borders are used for many applications such as a chair rail, along ceiling lines, along the baseboards, around doors, and windows.
Border also adds a finishing touch and a beautiful look in any room. Very easy to install, removal can be easy to very hard depending on installation. Borders are generally washable.
Flock Wallpaper: This wallpaper has a fuzzy velvet like texture and are printed on a paper backing. The flock designed creates a three dimensional effect. Take extra care when pasting and installing Flock Wallpapers, the wallpaper paste stains the front surface and cannot be washed off. Pasting and installation are tricky. Because this type of wallpaper is delicate and not washable choose the room wisely where it will be installed.
For instance, you would not want to hang this type of wallpaper in a kitchen or a kids room. Use in a den, bedroom, guest room, living room, or dining room. Flock Wallpaper can also be installed in half bath or a powder bathroom with no shower. The old dated Flock Wallpapers remove very hard. The newer Flock Wallpapers are strippable. Flock Wallpapers are not washable.
Foil Wallpaper: A polished metal ground is used to create a shiny metallic wallpaper. A design is printed on top of the metallic finish. The shiny metallic finish noticeably enhances all wall imperfections. Therefore, walls must be in very good condition when installing Foil Wallpaper.
Foil Wallpapers are printed on "three different backings". The different type of backing will make a difference on wallpaper installation as well as wallpaper removal.
Fabric-Backed Foil Wallpapers: This type of wallpaper will hide some wall imperfections. The metallic finish can crease and wrinkle so take extra care when pasting and installing. Fabric-Backed Foil Wallpapers are very durable after installation.

Fiberglass-Backed Foil Wallpapers: Are delicate to install. The metallic finish will crease and wrinkle so take extra care when pasting and installing. Walls must be smooth and in good condition when installing Fiberglass-Backed Foil Wallpapers. Foil wallpapers are mostly used in kitchens and bathrooms. This type of foil wallpaper is easy to remove in full strips. Fiberglass-Backed Foil Wallpapers are washable.
Paper-Backed Foil Wallpapers: This wallpaper is very delicate to install, and very hard to remove. A liner wallpaper is recommended before installing most Paper-Backed Foil Wallpapers. The metallic finish will easily crease and wrinkle so take extra care when pasting and installing. Foil Wallpapers are mostly used in kitchens and bathrooms. Walls must be very smooth and in excellent condition for this type of foil wallpaper. Paper-Backed Foil Wallpapers are washable.
Liner Wallpapers: There are many different grades, types and colors of Liner Wallpaper. Liner Wallpaper is either paper backed or fiberglass. Liner is used prior to installing delicate or shiny wallpapers. Liner Wallpapers can be installed over rough walls to minimize wall repair. Very easy to install and easy to remove.
Moiré Wallpapers: This type of wallpaper has a vinyl coating, the designs are applied to a paper or a fabric backing. Moiré Wallpaper has a very elegant water silk design or a wood grain effect. Wallpaper is very easy to install, seams are hard to find during and after installation. Moiré Wallpaper is beautiful in an entrance, den, family room, living room, dining room, master bedroom, guest bedroom or just about any room. Moiré Wallpaper is easy to remove, and washable.
Mylar Wallpapers: This type of wallpaper is printed on a paper backing. A polyester film is applied on top of a decorative design making Mylar Wallpapers washable. This wallpaper has a wet or shiny appearance similar to a foil wallpaper. Mylar Wallpapers easily creases, take extra care when pasting and installing. A liner wallpaper is recommended before installing Mylar Wallpapers. Mylar wallpaper is mostly used in a kitchen and bathrooms. Walls must be very smooth and in excellent condition. Wallpaper is fairly easy to remove.
Natural Bamboo Wallpaper: Natural Bamboo Wallpaper will add a distinctive look for your house and office. These handcrafted wallpapers are made from environmentally friendly natural products. Natural Bamboo Wallpaper is made by applying bamboo reeds, or vines onto a paper backing with glue. Actual color and texture of wallpaper will vary slightly from roll to roll. Because handmade Natural Bamboo Wallpaper has different variations of color and texture, they will create a paneling look on the walls when installed, therefore, seams will show.
Natural fiber wallpapers are delicate to work with. Take extra care when pasting and installing Bamboo Wallpaper, the wallpaper adhesive will definitely, stain the front surface. Natural wallpapers are not washable, this makes pasting and installation tricky. Natural Bamboo Wallpapers must be wet to remove, removal is easy to moderate.
Vinyl Grass-Cloth Wallpaper: Machine made to look like natural grass wallpapers. Vinyl Grass-Cloth Wallpapers are printed on a fabric backing which makes this wallpaper very durable. There are many colors and textures available. Due to control when printing colors tend to blend evenly so seams are less noticeable. Vinyl Grass-Cloth Wallpaper can be installed in any room due to their durability and wash ability. This type of wallpaper can be installed over rough walls. Easy to install, easy to repair, easy to remove in full strips. Vinyl Grass-Cloth Wallpapers are scrub-able.
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Natural Silk Wallpaper: Threads are applied to a paper backing, creating a light elegant texture. This type of wallpaper is very delicate, a liner wallpaper is recommended. Take extra care when pasting and installing Natural Silk Wallpaper, the wallpaper paste stains the front surface and cannot be washed off. Pasting and installation are tricky, wallpaper removal is easy. Because this type of wallpaper is very delicate choose the room wisely where it will be installed. Natural Silk Wallpapers are not washable.
Natural String Wallpaper: Fibers are applied to a paper backing. Depending on the string size wallpaper texture can be moderate to a very heavy texture. A liner wallpaper is recommended for delicate Natural String Wallpapers, and is not needed for the heaver textured string papers.
Natural String Wallpapers are very delicate to work with. Take extra care when pasting and installing Natural String Wallpaper, the wallpaper paste will definitely stain the front surface and cannot be washed off. Because this type of wallpaper is not washable choose the room wisely. Pasting and installation are tricky, wallpaper removal is easy. Natural String Wallpapers are not washable.
Vinyl String Wallpapers: This type of wallpaper is printed on a fabric backing, making Vinyl String Wallpapers very durable. There are many colors and textures available with Vinyl String Wallpaper. It can be installed over textured or rough walls. Vinyl String Wallpaper can be installed in any room, even high traffic areas. Very easy to install, seams are easy to work and hard to find after installation. Easy to repair, easy to remove in full strips.

Photo Wall Mural: Simulate photography. A variety of scenic pictures, patterns or murals, are usually divided into quarter panels for installation purposes. Installation of quarter panel Photo Wall Mural is very tricky.
Where to buy wallpaper photo murals The New Photo Murals are printed on larger strips instead of panels. There are a lot less seams making installation so much easier. Larger strips are installed to re-create scenic pictures. Photo Wall Murals remove easily. Most Photo Murals are not washable, unless otherwise instructed. And these are some of the wallpaper types on the market today.
View photos of the many different wallpaper types and textures here Wallpaper Chart.
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